Shana Tova & Hag Sameah!

On behalf of the Latet family, we wish you a happy new year!

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From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

Our first ever event in France

80 French attendees got to hear about Latet and what we do! >>

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The Real Israeli

cutting in lines, beeping car hones a minute after the traffic light has changed, yelling loudly using their hands, manipulating...

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Brochure Latet en Français

Qu'est-ce que l'organisation Latet? Comment tout a commencé? Que faisons-nous?

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2016 Annual Poverty Conference

Latet's Annual Poverty Conference will take place on December 12th in Tel Aviv!

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From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.

Newsletter - poverty conference

Poverty Conference , an annual conference of the organization to provide cooperation with the Tel Aviv Academic

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​MAZON and Government Relations Meeting

​Latet's Director of Government Relations met with our partners at MAZON Organization in their offices in Los Angeles to discuss our awareness and adv

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2019 Social Impact Mid-Year Report

In the first half of 2019 alone, we've accomplished impressive achievements! Check our Mid-Year summary report now >>

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From the Alternative Poverty Report

Reflects the latest trends on the subject of poverty and food insecurity in Israel in 2014.
