Latet Youth Test

Latet Youth Test

Latet Youth Test

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Mid Road Seminar – Latet Youth

Approximately 1200 youths participated in the Mid-Road seminar – a national seminar of Latet Youth organization.

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Shimon Peres at the Fight Poverty Conference

In 2014, at the Peres Center for Peace, the Fight Poverty Conference was held and students from Latet Youth program participated.

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Mid-Road Seminar 2017!

On March 2nd, 2017 Latet Youth held its annual Mid-Road Seminar! With over 1,600 Youth, volunteers, and workers in attendance, the day was a success!

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Latet Youth Test

Latet Youth Test

Latet Youth
Volunteer of the Month!

Meet Nayef, one of the volunteers at Latet Youth, whose dedication earned him the "Volunteer of the Month" title!

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LATET Youth Get New Shirts

LATET's youth organization acts to foster values of volunteering, giving, and social entrepreneurship among youth.

Entrepreneurship Seminar

During the summer vacation, the Latet Youth participants who graduated the entrepreneurial phase have undergone training course to become Young-Guides

LATET Youth Group Members at the Night Race

Aimed at raising funds for enrichment activities for children at risk in activity clubs in Beersheba.

Entrepreneurship Seminar

LATET Youth have an enrichment seminar and internship in entrepreneurship. It will be a challenging year of creativity and innovation.

Latet Youth- On the Road to Success!

Our Latet Youth groups have been hard at work these past few months in order to create successful social initiatives!

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