Mid Road Seminar – Latet Youth

Mid- Road Seminar

The seminar indicates “the middle of the road” of the yearly activity in Latet Youth – the end of the exposure stage when participants are exposed to needy communities within the Israeli society and to the world of humanitarian aid and the beginning of the entrepreneur stage!  The stage which every youth group in Latet will plan and execute a social initiative for a needy community in their town. The participants at the seminar are instilled with enrichment, motivation, team working skills and cooperation and are connected to the values and activities of the Latet and Latet youth organizations. 
These are tomorrow’s social leaders who represent the amazing educational activity carried out throughout the year in all the Latet youth centers: 80 young guides who had participated in Late Youth guide course, 150 guides and adult counselors and more than 2000 participants, who volunteer, are involved, lead and initiate within their Latet youth group activity, for a better, more just society.

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Mid Road Seminar – Latet Youth

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Volunteer of the Month!

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From the Alternative Poverty Report

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LATET Youth and President Reuven Rivlin

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